Run FUN Health Promotion

ImageReplace ‘ho hum’ with FUN for higher ROI, Return on Involvement that drives an ongoing, vibrant wellness culture!

Start by balancing Bio-metric testing with Smile-metrics, measuring ‘glee’ – the upbeat mental fixative that binds people to healthy living.  Attest to what’s right with hardy living, rather than primarily testing and telling people what’s wrong with their lifestyle – that creates rift.

Get hip!  Replace lip-service talking about wellness with hip-service!  Provide people health promotion pizzazz, moving them towards vibrant living with novel, relevant, daily activities!

Use levity to raise spirits, infusing your wellness program with lighthearted fun.  Good feeling Dopamine, the pleasure-reward neurochemical will flood the body/brain giving rise to higher motivation, vitality, and productivity!  An ongoing, vibrant wellness culture with spring up!

Uplift without the rift – that’s the gleeful gist of running health promotion with fun! 

Making Health Promotion a Blast!

ImageReady!  Aim!  Fire people up!  Launch them towards higher well-being with empowering activities that create payloads of pleasure.  Set you sights high on building an active wellness culture within your organizations and the families they serve, without causing your efforts to backfire!

First, READY people by offering engaging Trickle Down health activities that ignite interest! Use simple, upbeat, relevant activities that infuse people with enthusiasm.  Give them a blast!  

Second, AIM to Bubble Up confidence as new health skills are created.  Get people charged up adding frequent celebrations honoring their efforts.  Hearty praise sparks a powerful sense of ‘ownership’ – the flint and steel of health promotion.

Finally, FIRE people up!  Create fitness fireworks using teaming that propels people towards higher well-being.  Seeking health goals collectively creates group synergy – the ‘sis, boom, ah!’ driving wellness upwards!  Health screenings and inventories can now be offered, skyrocketing people towards higher well-being! 

Beware – good intentions may bomb if you aim to direct people’s lives.  Your gallant efforts will backfire by offering premature health screenings and mandating people improve their health… or else!

Remember, first get people READY with Trickle Down health activities that are vastly appealing.  AIM to create an empowering sense of ownership with frequent celebrations that Bubble Up enthusiasm, exciting people to take charge!  Then FIRE people up with spirited group activities.  Esteem, morale, vibrancy, and productivity will skyrocket as your wellness culture takes off!

Bubble UP Health Promotion


Bubble Up Enthusiasm!
Celebrate Your Well-being!

Grow an active wellness culture within your organization and the families it serves.  Bubble UP!  Create fizz that fuels fitness!  Inspire people to take charge, adding sparkle to their physical, mental, and social well-being!

Begin with ‘Trickle Down’ by offering appealing, upbeat, relevant health activities previously described.  Add zealous celebrations and healthy role modeling, inspiring people to bubble UP enthusiasm as new daily health skills and confidence rise.

Without enthusiasm, health promotion falls flat.  Participants are not charge up!  In response, many health promoters attempt to take charge of people’s lives by offering a battery of health screenings and recommendations suggesting how they should live. Incentives are used to entice reluctant people to participate.  Many resent this approach, viewing it as intrusive.

Troubles with bubbles occur.  The problem is not with screening people, nor recommending healthy lifestyle changes; the problem is with timing.   The solution is simple – offer biometric testing AFTER people are charged up!  They will be more ready and eager to pursue in depth health endeavors suggested through health screenings and the recommendations offered.

Begin with Bubble UP!  Create readiness by offering novel, upbeat activities that engage and empower people daily.  Wellness Quest offers the Quick Quest and Quest for Your Best! activities.  Seek additional engaging, daily health promotion programs from other vendors.

Measure success by how much fun people are having.  Fun happens when people are involved! Higher involvement creates more fun!  Effervescent!  Effusive!  Highly charged!  Buoyant energy creates health promotion pizzazz, inspiring people to TAKE CHARGE of their own well-being!

Trickle Down Health Promotion


Trickle Down Health Promotion

Shower your workplace, and all the families it serves, with ‘buoyant’ health promotion.  Raise enthusiasm for wellness!  Offer daily health activities that are easy, fun and fit!  Use novel, upbeat, relevant activities that are self-rewarding, providing personal wellness payoffs.  People will eagerly choose to participate for their own self-interest, creating a sense of ownership!  As the flood of enthusiasm rises, a wellness culture soon bubbles up!

Wellness Quest, LLC offers a simple, effective way to achieve this excitement. Start by giving each participant a Health Care-toons Calendar.  This perpetual, spiral-bound, desktop calendar offers a daily health activity along with a matching joke, inspirational quote, and health cartoon.  People are invited to look at the engaging calendar, and complete the activities suggested.

Bump up daily excitement by picking people at random (including family members) to win prizes if they can recall one thing on the current daily Health Care-toon page if contacted by a spirited member of the Wellness Committee.  Offer a fresh fruit plate, movie theater tickets, or other prizes for being successful.  More important that receiving a prize, winners will experience the avid enthusiasm conveyed by the person presenting the award.

Trickle down health promotion occurs when the CEO and management exclaim their earnest appreciation for people’s interest in wellness!  That enthusiasm creates a high tide of morale flowing through the organization and at home.  The stage is set for more ambitious wellness pursuits.

Special Gift for Families

Helping You Raise Funds

and Inspire Wellness!

 Effective health promotion is simple.  Use engaging (fun) ways to inspire people of all ages to participate in daily activities that cultivate vibrant living and learning skills, leading to joy!  Over time, families frequently participating in such life-enhancing activities at home build an active wellness culture.

Schools, churches, and other organizations interested in people’s well-being can provide such opportunities.  Frequent celebration and healthy role-modeling add incentive for people to get involved.  Group enthusiasm for wholesome living catches on, exciting individuals and families!

Recognizing that times are tough financially, Wellness Quest is offering an easy way to fund and conduct such an engaging wellness program.  We are offering our Health Care-toons Calendar as the means to earn money and conduct the Wellness QUEST for Your BEST! program.  Here is how it works!

The sponsoring organization purchases the Health Care-toons Calendar in quantity.  This perpetual (undated), desktop calendar is offered at our production cost when purchased by the box.  Sold to individuals, families, relatives, friends, and members within the organization yields a substantial profit.  Money earned can be used to finance Wellness QUEST for Your BEST!  This engaging program inspires people to practice daily ‘Quest’ activities using the calendar.

People of all ages enjoy the Health Care-toons Calendar.  It features a daily health cartoon, wellness ‘Quest’ activity to complete, related health joke and inspirational quote.  Used by itself, or part of a group health promotion program, the calendar uses G.L.A.D. to Grab attention, inspiring people to Learn, Apply, and Dedicate themselves to wellness.

Extra money earned selling the calendar can be spent on art, music, dance, athletic, and other enrichment activities.  Research shows the value of such activities on social, emotional, creative and intellectual well-being.  Visit our sister Body-Brain Boogie Blog for many articles and videos supporting this research.

Contact Wellness Quest for more information regarding this Fundraising and Health Promotion opportunity.  Call toll free, 888-388-WELL or contact the program director Jeff Haebig.  Keep it simple, effective, and fun!